Grab The Bull By The Horns And Sell More Cars, Now In This Recession

If something as common as coffee can be successfully branded to create a hugely profitable business why can't you brand your dealership and separate it from all your competition? Tim Horton's, Starbucks, Second Cup, Equator all are making it with something as mundane as coffee and available in every restaurant, office, warehouse, even every dealership showroom in North America.

In a world full of showroom sameness and similar vehicles you need to brand your dealership to succeed.

Competition has driven up quality and value to the point at which most vehicles have become commodities in the mind of your buyer. So, ask yourself this question. Why would people buy from you and not your competition?


Your vehicles are similar, your vehicle content is similar

Your prices are similar

Your advertising is similar

Your buildings and showroom furniture are the same.

Your factory sales process training is the same

Why would people buy from you and not your competition?

You Need to BRAND your dealership, set it apart, create a difference in the mind of the buyers. But your brand is NOT your dealership's advertising, logo or slogan. Advertising is what you tell your potential customers what you are like before they come.

Your Dealership's real brand is what people say about you after coming to your dealership:

Your brand is the Buying Experience you deliver.

Your front line sales people are what people talk about.

Your Dealership Brand is in the Customer's Mind. Either your word of mouth is good or it is not. Your advertising does not make up for an inadequate sales process. You are branded by every single customer's buying experience. That is what is discussed at the 19th hole or in the curling rink lounge, or the locker room or the pub and bar. Your advertising means jack when people share their poor car or truck buying experience with other potential buyers. This is your real brand. Does your sales process measure up to your advertising message?

Showroom shoppers are a tough sell.

Let's face facts. Selling is an acquired skill. You have to be good to succeed with aggressive price shoppers and people 'just looking'. Your sales consultants have to be ready and capable to handle your customers who are "not buying today but want your 'best' price.'" At least 25 -35% of your customers are not initially easy to handle. Are your sales consultants up to deliver a great buying experience with these people?

The public image and mystery shoppers indicate most sales people are not adequate with these buyers. This is why I train, in my dealer specific, in-house, professional development workshops-how to succeed with the aggressive shoppers we have today. The sales consultants who attend my boot camps are relieved to discover proven, real world answers to succeed with these challenging but serious buyers.

The internet has created a whole new buyer today-more informed, more sceptical, more price savvy. Your new 'image' facilities and your cookie cutter showroom sameness does not make a difference to your customer's actual buying experience. It is the ability of your sales team that makes the difference. Shoppers don't have to buy from inadequate sales people. You are not the only game in town.

How do you build your brand? Two ways.

1) Start with your sales process-from the handshake to the close. Make it better than your competitors and you will sell more vehicles with fewer hassles. You will stand for something positive in your customers mind. Many dealers and sales team leaders are preaching the same ol stuff from their sales experience. Be careful! Today value pricing and low or no mark-up vehicles have changed the sales floor experience-especially with trades! You need to update your sales process even more than your buildings.

2) Focus on how you follow-up and retain clients. 85% of your showroom walk-ins...walk-out. Focus more on a powerful follow-up process to return walk-outs to your showroom. Most of your competitors don't. Be-backs close at 50% because they feel good about their previous buying experience-but only if they are effectively followed up.

Your brand is your salesperson's long-term relationship with their clients. The relationship is sustained or it isn't. Focus on a relationship process that is effective and easy to retain lease and purchase clients.


The only car dealers who thrive are those that move beyond "me-too" in their image, services and quality of the buying experience. The only way to accomplish this is to:

o Focus on the specific sales process in your dealership.

o Your target is to create a better buying experience for all shoppers.

o Your sales staff needs to be more competent and skilled in handling all buyers not just 'nice' folks but also the more aggressive clients. Your closing ratio will improve 25% with professional sales training targeted for today's showroom shoppers.

o Your managers need to become better sales team leaders in coaching and directing sales consultants on a positive buying experience with each client

o You need a simple, dedicated prospect and client follow-up system for your vehicle departments.

o Your sales consultants and team leaders need an effective process to easily follow-up showroom walk-outs and bring them back to buy. It is a fact, be-backs close at 35 - 50% ratio.

o Your dealership sales team needs a vehicle sales department focused client retention system that maintains positive, long-term relationships between your sales consultants and your customers. It should not be service department focused. They are two very different approaches.

o Focus your sales team leaders on building an 'entrepreneurship' style of sales professional. Reward them for initiative. Reward your sales consultants for business building activities between 'ups'. Pay more for be-back sales and repeat clients.

You will see more sales per month, more gross and more profit. So take action today. To quote a manufacturer, dealers 'Grab the bull by the horns' and get back in the drivers seat as the entrepreneur you are-not a corporate subsidiary.

Dave Kemp, the Automotivator, President of Automotivator Sales Training and Leadership Development - Improving the buying experience in the nation's automobile showrooms. 1-800-668-0362 TRACKSTAR AUTOMOBILE FOLLOW-UP SYSTEMS, Hot Prospect Managment, Client Retention, Target Marketing made easy. Highly profitable. Inexpensive and extremely easy to use. 1-800-668-0362

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