Carnauba Wax: The queen of all waxes

Carnauba wax is obtained from the leaves of the plant, Copernicia prunifera which is grown only in some north-eastern states of Brazil. It is also known as 'queen of wax' and usually comes in the form of hard yellow-brown flakes. In hot and dry season the plant secrets the wax to protect the leaves from damage. Its leaves then are dried and beaten to obtain the yellow-brown wax which is further refined and bleached before it is used. Temperature of 172 degree Fahrenheit (or 78 degree Celsius) is needed to melt the Carnauba wax which makes it durable. It is dissoluble in water and can only be made soluble with appropriate heat and chemical agents in some solvents.

Carnauba wax is used to produce glossy finish and is used in several industries which range from automobile waxes, shoe polishes, dental floss, floor and furniture waxes, instrument waxes and other polishes to food products such as sweets. It is also being used in paper coatings and for coating of pills. Because of its shine and hypoallergenic properties, it is also used as an ingredient in cosmetic products such as lipsticks, mascara, eye liner, eye shadow and various skin care preparations. It is used as a vegetarian alternative to Gelatin. It is highly water resistant and when used plain can make surfaces water resistant and durable. It is mixed with dyes and tints to make durable polishes.

Due to its multiple use and characteristics such as durability, hardness and shining properties Carnauba wax is named queen of all waxes. It is used in numerous industries as a finishing agent. Its aerosol suspended mold is used in making semiconductor molds. When used as mold release it, unlike Silicon or PTFE, is suitable to use with liquid epoxy, epoxy molding compounds(EMCs) and some other plastic compounds. Carnauba Wax enhances the properties of epoxies and other engineering plastics.

It is also used as an ingredient in making other waxes because of its hardness and durability. Glossy shine on our candies are because of Carnauba Wax.

Before you begin waxing your car, you need to keep in mind that you would have to your car in small portions, as dried wax would leave mark onto your ride. Only use genuine car wax, a soft cotton rag or a buffing machine, if you can afford one to your car. You can find numerous brands of car wax online, plus other useful tips to take care of your car on the internet.

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