New Mini Cars In Perth

When looking for a new mini there is no better way than looking on the internet. The reason for this blessing of speed information is that apart from it being instant you can look at the car without actually being there, which is even better when they supply you with a video clip of it too.

The older way used to be to get the exchange and mart and read through it looking for your desired car, which is where I found my first car, a Ford Fiesta. Then local newspapers got involved too by having a section of cars for people to sell and buy from. If it was in the local newspaper then you knew it was local and not going to be 60 miles away. On my travels back to now where the Internet exists I have decided through all of my research that the car for me is going to be the Mini.

Now living in Birmingham I have a huge range of dealers available to me that sell Minis so the deal should be really good. I decide to try the old fashioned method getting some dedicated to vehicles. The advantage of this is that there are quite a few private sales, which are not that much cheaper than what the dealers are offering. Surprised by this I go and see one to see what it is like. The car is a Mini one in orange, just like the one my brothers girlfriend bought me when I seven. The condition was not great and he had not even bothered to clean it and make it smell nice! What a disappointment.

Due to this I decide to go and look for a dealer who might have one, however all they have is the colour I don't want. So it would seem that I am back to the drawing board with yet another search. I decide to increase my range, and in a crazy daze I decide to just go national. What do I find...I'll tell you, the only car that fits exactly what I want is in Perth, so I now have to drive all the way to Scotland to get my new mini in Perth. As soon as I see the destination Perth I cannot help but think that I need to go to Australia, ha-ha those were the days.

At the weekend, I pop up to where I hope to find my new Mini in Perth. I get a cab to the dealership, John Clark where I am greeted, offered a cup of tea and escorted over to the car in question. It is everything I wanted, did I mention that it was cheaper even that what the private seller was asking for his and it comes with a warranty, tax and 12 months MOT. Life does not get any better than this.

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